December 8, 2012

State of ShinSeKyungTV (September 21, 2012)

The following post is copied from A Doll's Dream Tumblr dated September 21, 2012

State of ShinSeKyungTV (신세경TV)

It has been two months since the creation of the ShinSeKyungTV YouTube channel, so I thought it might be neat to disclose some interesting statistics and facts about the channel and how it has progressed. I’m not sure how many people actually still read blog posts or how many of my followers can read English, so this may prove to be a exercise in futility; however, I will try to bold key points for those who aren’t particularly proficient in the English language or just feel like skimming through.

First, the basic statistics. As of this posting, ShinSeKyungTV currently has 43 videos uploaded, 127 subscribers and a little over 31,000 views. Not particularly impressive compared to other efforts I’m sure, but I do still feel a sense of accomplishment. I had initially assumed that if I roped in a few people, they would spread the word to others through various social media networks and the channel would grow, but this has proven a failure for the most part. The one major exception being the wonderful person managing the Facebook fan page. A fair amount of the views have come from the links shared there, and I’m extremely grateful to the person managing the Facebook page. I have an inkling who *cough* she is, but I’d rather not bother someone based off a possibly foolish deduction. So if the Facebook page manager happens to read this post (or if someone could please forward this message to the manager for me as I won’t be making a Facebook account), I would like to see if we can’t work something out together as my initial partner is too busy to offer assistance. Either way, thank you very much and keep up the good work.

Now, delving into some of the demographics, we can see that a majority of the views come from South Korea. Following behind are the U.S., Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia respectively. The interesting thing to note about this is that very few of the 127 subscribers are from S. Korea, while a majority of the subscribers seem to reside in Southeast Asia and the U.S. I have tried to include both English and Korean titles and descriptions in each video and it seems to have helped as some videos have been shared in the 신세경 갤러리 on DC Inside. So, I would like to say thanks to the wonderful 신세경 갤러리 community, especially Baby Wolf (아기늑대) for providing many of the quality videos that currently populate the channel.

Continuing on, the gender breakdown shows that approximately 55% of the registered views have come from females. Most of which are registered as young teens or in the 55-64 age bracket. Below is a screenshot of the YouTube Analytics report on the channel’s demographics.

YouTube Demographics Report

It’s interesting to see that in most countries the gender split is about 50/50; however in Canada and Hong Kong, the overwhelming majority of views are from females.

Moving forward with more detailed statistics, the number one viewed video is the “500 Days of R2B: Return to Base” special that aired on tvN in early August with approximately 3500 views. This video was lagging behind until recently where it re-surged in the second week of September. The video has seen most of its views come from Thailand, followed by the U.S. and S. Korea respectively. I’ve determined the cause of the resurgence to be from Thai viewers who watched this R2B trailer that was posted on September 4th, and came across my video from the selection of suggested videos. The following image is a list of the top 10 videos on the channel and their respective views.

Top 10 videos

The top 10 is unsurprisingly dominated by more recent shows and English subtitled content and is definitely what is in demand. It also shows the drop off rate for the two episodes of Taxi that were uploaded in split parts as one part of each episode has significantly more views than their other parts.
In conclusion, I am both satisfied and disappointed with the current state of the channel. I was a bit weary at first, but I’m glad that I started this. I had hoped to have more English subtitled content posted, but my translation skills are far too inadequate, and as such, I’m currently sitting on several partially subbed videos. Finally, there have been many times I’ve felt discouraged as videos get blocked on YouTube or when Murphy’s Law rears its ugly head, but I will do my best to see this through to the end. Thanks for everyone’s continued support, and I hope that you will continue to love and appreciate Sekyung. <3

P.S. This will be incredibly embarrassing if no one reads or comments on this piece, so please feel free to discuss in the comments for this post via my blog. If you have any inquiries into other specific statistics, feel free to ask and as always, I’m open to any feedback, suggestions, or support you can provide.

P.P.S. For a more well-rounded feed, follow on Twitter or Google+. If you’re interested in contributing or helping, you can send an email to

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